The Water and Soil Lab at ATREE aims to understand the fate and transport of contaminants and pollutants in hydrological systems, both natural and artificial. The lab is equipped to measure and quantify physical, chemical, and biological pollutants present in water and soil. Our team of highly skilled research associates and research assistants carry out water quality analysis using advanced equipment and techniques. The results of these analyses are subject to rigorous quality control measures, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of our findings.
Our lab supports multiple interdisciplinary projects housed at the research centres. These projects are aimed at lake restoration, implementing decentralised wastewater treatment systems, designing nature-based solutions, climate change mitigation and adaptation, etc. By generating critical water quality and hydrology data, our lab provides a basis for baseline studies, predictive modelling, risk assessment and the design of effective solutions to address water quality issues in surface and groundwater. Our research group collects and analyses water and sediment samples, interprets data, and develops tools for scaling up solutions to ensure the sustainability of water resources. The lab provides excellent opportunities for students interested in exploring the water quality dimension of ecosystems and urban ecology through internships /training opportunities.
The wet chemistry lab is equipped with advanced instruments such as the Spectroquant Prove 100 and 600, the Spectroquant Colorimeter MOVE 100, the DR300 HACH Pocket Colorimeter, and the Spectroquant TR 320 and TR 420 Digestors. Additionally, it features YSI Dissolved Oxygen Probes, YSI pH Probes, and Electrical Conductivity Probes for measuring physical and chemical contaminants in water and soil.
The Instrumentation Lab uses Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (PinAAcle 900H) to estimate heavy metals such as lead, copper and nickel in liquid, sediments and soil samples.
The Microbiology Lab is equipped with advanced instruments such as Collilert and Laminar airflow to study antimicrobial resistance in environmental samples, as well as identify and quantify Total Coliforms, Fecal Coliforms and E. coli in water samples.