Resilient Urbanscapes

Urbanisation and climate change have traditionally been addressed separately, neglecting their interconnectedness. This fragmented approach fails to address the exacerbation of climate impacts by rapid urban expansion and the growing vulnerabilities of urban areas due to climate change. To have an integrated approach is vital for sustainable solutions.

Overarching Question

How can fostering green spaces enhance human and non-human well-being in the face of urbanisation and climate change across the diverse landscapes?


Representative geographies and case studies

  • Big metropolis where green spaces mitigate climatic challenges  Bengaluru
    Urban expansion threatens tree cover and biodiversity, crucial for mitigating floods, heat stress and air pollution.
  • Rapidly expanding hill and foothill towns serving as gateways to semi-natural landscapes Hill and foothill towns Niligris and  Mettupalyam (Western Ghats) Sikkim-Siliguri (Himalayas)
    Expansion, driven by tourism and climate migration, fragments landscapes and increases human-wildlife interactions.
  • Fast-Growing Towns Disrupting Buffer Zones and Ecological Spillover Agasthyamalai biosphere and Amabai-Kallidai twin towns
    Urban growth encroaches on buffer zones, disrupting ecological spillover and biodiversity and increasing human-wildlife conflicts.



  • Biodiversity assessments: Conduct comprehensive surveys to assess local green spaces critical to urban resilience and use the data to inform conservation priorities and areas for protection or restoration.
  • Climate and land use modelling and microclimate studies: Integrate climate impact and land-use models to evaluate the combined effects of urbanisation and climate change, supporting long-term planning and resilience strategies.



  • Designing multi-functional green spaces: Combine insights from biodiversity mapping and climate impact research to guide the design of multi-functional green spaces.
  • Policy integration: Develop policy briefs that mandate the integration of biodiversity and climate resilience into urban planning.
  • Engaging with Urban Communities: Build a strong constituency of engaged individuals who not only support the programme’s outcomes but also play an integral role in achieving them.


Alignment With India’s International Commitments

Realisation of the objectives of this programme will contribute to India meeting its commitments to:

  • The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework 2022 (Targets 2, 3, 11, 12, 14)
  • The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2018 (Targets 11.4, 11.a, 15.9)
  • The Paris Agreement




Pollinator-Linked Urban Multifunctional Ecosystems (PLUME) 6-25 screenshot
Pollinator-Linked Urban Multifunctional Ecosystems (PLUME)
Pasture Trails 2-9 screenshot
Pasture Trails
ATREE@25_ Urbanscapes - Shreya Nath 10-11 screenshot
ATREE@25: Urbanscapes – Shreya Nath