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Reflections on Science Nature, and the Future

Selected works of Triloki Nath Khoshoo

Reflections on Nature, Science, and the Future’ is a collection of essays by Dr. T.N. Khoshoo, a prolific scientist who authored over 300 papers, numerous books, and articles. Over the years, his writings have ranged from the cytology of ornamental plants to environmental policies and deep ecological practices. Throughout his career, Professor T N Khoshoo transitioned from an academic botanist to a scientist and administrator with expansive views. This compilation, edited by Dr. Prasanna N.S., showcases Khoshoo’s diverse intellectual journey, from his early work as a botanist restoring degraded lands  to his later contributions to sustainable development, environmental policy, and deep ecology.  Dr. Khoshoo’s work and writings have inspired generations of biologists in India and beyond. This book compiles and highlights some of Khoshoo’s most significant contributions, serving as an inspiration for future biologists and conservationists.

Other Publications of the Author(s)

Journal Articles
(Feb, 2025)
Press Coverage
(Feb, 2025)