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New Distribution Records of Three Terrestrial Snails of the Genus Bouchetcamaena Thach, 2018 (Gastropoda, Camaenidae) from Northeast India

Nipu Kumar Das, Aravind N.A.

Records Of Zoological Survey Of India Journal | July 6, 2024

The camaenid genus Bouchetcamaena comprises fifteen species distributed across South Asia (India, Bangladesh) and Southeast Asia (Myanmar, Thailand). Among these, six species are found in India: B. delibrata (Manipur; Sibsagar, Assam; Khasi hills, Meghalaya; Chhimtuipui, Mizoram), B. Ju.sea (Manipur; Khasi hills, Meghalaya; Gaziphima, Nagaland), B. foveata (Khasi Hills, Meghalaya), B. proeumbens (Khasi hills, Meghalaya), B. raripila (Kopamedza), and B. subdelibrata (Habiang, Garo Hills, Meghalaya). The present study reveals new distributional records of B. delibrata, and B. Ju.sea from Lushai hills of Mizoram, and B. subdelibrata from East Khasi hills, Meghalaya, Northeast India. The species were studied based on conchological characters, and their species identity was confirmed using existing literature. These species were collected from the soil-leaf litter samples. The Lushai hills of Mizoram including Blue Mountain range falls within the Indo-Burma Biodiversity hotspot, and is also classified as fire-prone forest areas. Hence, forest fires and anthropogenic factors such as deforestation, habitat fragmentation, and others may pose threats to these small soil invertebrates. Further research on ecology and population status will aid in assessing the conservation status of these species.

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(Dec, 2024)