
Nature-positive solutions for shifting agrifood systems to more resilient and sustainable pathways (Nature-positive solutions)



PI: Milind Bunyan

Team: Arpitha KS, Ravikanth, Zishan Ahmed Wani

The Diversity for Restoration (D4R) is an online decision support system that fosters diversity and better-informed ecosystem restoration strategies. D4R promotes diversity and encourages region-specific agroforestry while promoting socio-ecologically responsible restoration choices. Using data on plant functional traits and habitat suitability modelling, the tool predicts suitable habitats for specific species under present and future climatic conditions. The D4R tool offers tree species after matching species to the best fit of the site conditions as restoration objectives. D4R has been developed by Bioversity International for fourteen countries in Africa and South America. We are working with Bioversity International by extending D4R’s functionality to the Western Ghats. For this, we’re collating information on 190 physiological and functional plant traits for more than 235 socio-economically important trees in the region. The D4R tool will also offer plant propagation and monitoring suggestions, boosting the odds of successful restoration in this vital biodiversity hotspot.