
Investments into Nature-based Solutions in the Indian agricultural sector


Current agricultural production and consumption practices in India are economically- and ecologically-unsustainable. A transition to alternative agricultural practices by adopting Nature-based Solutions (NbS) means that farmers can generate fair returns from their farming activities, while also promoting land stewardship. To further scope and understand the opportunities and challenges for investments into implementing these principles and practices, the project undertook conversations with stakeholders across the investment spectrum in India. This included demand-side investment providers, supply-side investment recipients as well as policy intermediaries in India. The conversations used 4 promising NbS for the Indian context as an entry point. These 4 NbS can form part of a substantive climate adaptation strategy for producers, with potential mitigation co-benefits. This work identifies the status, emerging trends, barriers, enabling conditions, and potential public and private sources of finance that may increase investments into adopting NbS for climate and economic benefits at scale in India.