New Age Hydro-Agricultural Regime (NAHAR)

Protection and Sustainable Management of Aquatic Resources in Manipur: Participatory approach for management of Chakpi River as a pilot project

Biodiversity Outside Protected Areas

Mapping the distribution of Invasive Alien fishes and assessing their threats to native biota in selected Ramsar wetlands of India

Roadmap to Restoration: Developing an Ecologically Sensitive Restoration Model for Myristica Swamps in Karnataka

Cultivating Diversity: The Functional Biodiversity of Smallholder Farmscapes in Madhya Pradesh

Agasthyamalai Sustainability Project for Integrated Restoration of Ecosystems (ASPIRE)

Wild edible plants of Dzongu Valley, Sikkim, India: Conserving diversity, traditional knowledge and practice for sustainable use.

Seed dispersal ecology

Supporting training for tiger reserve managers in India on green religious pilgrimage