
207 New Species Discovered
18 New Genera Discovered
4 Species Rediscovered

2,140 Individual Forest Rights Secured Across 1519 ha
133 Community Forest Rights Secured
40,000 Livelihoods Improved

Contributed to the Designation of the Western Ghats as a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Contributed to the Forest Rights Act 2006
Contributed to the National Wetland Regulatory Act
Contributed to the Kerala State Inland Fisheries Act
Contributed to the Wetland Conservation Act

Long-term Monitoring of 437 Species
DNA Barcoding for 600+ Species
IUCN Assessment of 158 Species
16 Years of Vembanad Fish Count Survey
12 Years of Agasthyamalai Waterbird Survey

Trained 36,324 Students and 4,075 Teachers in Environment Education
Built Capacity of 27,512 Individuals
Trained 100 Panchayats in Waste and Sanitation Management
Trained 12,600 Families in Sustainable Livelihoods

Built and Anchored the Karnataka Biodiversity Portal and Initiated the India Biodiversity Portal
Co-created the World Heritage Biodiversity Programme for India (WHBPI)
Co-created Prioritisation Exercises for Conservation across the Western Ghats and for Biodiversity Ecosystem Services and Human Well-being Across India
Developing an Open-access, Scientifically Validated Taxonomic Database of India’s Plants