Pooja Choksi, Dhwani Lalai, Anamika Menon, Abha Joglekar, Anirban Roy, Vijay Ramprasad, Mahendra Singh Thapa, Ravikanth Gudasalamani, Shalini Dhyani, Milind Bunyan
Environmental Research Letters | February 28, 2025
Trees have emerged as a key focus of global environmental policy. Several programs promote planting of trees outside forests (ToF), in places such as farms and grazing lands, due to the potential of trees to provide a wide variety of benefits to people and nature. Yet, our knowledge of human well-being outcomes of ToFs is limited, especially in South Asia. In this systematic literature review, we examine multidimensional human wellbeing outcomes of a wide range of ToF practices in rural landscapes of South Asian countries; including Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka