ATREE’s action-oriented research on community-based conservation is anchored in its Community Conservation Centres (CCCs) located in different parts of India. We believe that the present frontiers of conservation lie at the interface of communities and the sustainable management of ecosystem services. Conservation effortsin human-dominated landscapes require active grassroots participation from communities. The CCCs facilitate a two-way flow of knowledge between local stakeholders and researchers, anchor the doctoral research of our PhD students and provide support for the long-term monitoring of socio-ecological systems.
Established in 1998, the CCC works in the Darjeeling and Kalimpong districts in the Eastern Himalayan range to conduct place-based research and actions to address environmental challenges.
The CCC was established in 2008 in southeast Karnataka, bordering Tamil Nadu. It works with the local communities to enable the continuous, productive and sustainable harvest of forest resources.
The CCC was established in 2007 to conserve the lake, a Ramsar site in Allapuzha district, Kerala. It engages in wetland conservation, sustainable livelihoods and climate action.